

  您的位置 > 首页 > 幼儿园小班英语教案



"head,shoulders,knees,toe "
Head  shoulders  knees  toes  
·Teaching aims:  
1.  Kids enjoy to join the English activity  
2.  Kids can know the meaning of the song and sing with teacher.  
3.  To lean: Head ,shoulders,knees, toes.  
·Teaching aids:  
pictures, flashcards, hammer.  
·Teaching ste   
A. warm  up :  
  1. Greeting .  
  2.T .P.R:  touch your…  
B. Present :  
  1. show the pictures : Head /houlders/knees /toes ,let the kids point to their Head ,shoulders,knees,toes.  
  2. read after teacher  
C. drill:  
  1. follow teacher to sing the song “Head ,shoulders,knees,toes.”.  
  2.  Game “touching game”  
a. Listen to teacher carefully and touch the flashcards.with a hammer.  
  b.  T : “Touch your Head,shoulders…  
    S : Use their fingers point to their head / shoulders/ knees/ toes.  
sing the song together.   
D.Review: Show the flashcards and review: Head ,shoulders,knees,toes.


幼儿园环境创设:  吊饰  主题墙
家园栏  区角环境   娃娃家
幼儿手工大全:   变废为宝手工
剪纸  折纸  树叶粘贴画   橡皮泥
儿童画:   彩笔画    简笔画 
水粉画   蜡笔画  手指印画 

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